I Hate Hospitals

red crossThe first time I ever fainted, I was just visiting someone in ICU, so lots of tubes and needles. I’m a bit squeamish (understatement) and can barely handle putting a bandaid on a cut finger. Your skin isn’t supposed to be sliced open. It freaks me out. And anything more than that doesn’t even compute. Tubes, needles, knives…

I start imagining what it would look like from the inside of the body (if there was good lighting) and my brain just sort of shuts down. There’s no feeling of fear associated with it, just a NOPE!  And then no more blood to my brain.  Continue reading

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

ninjaI woke up with a strange thought in my head. I’m sure it’s not original, but it was weird to just wake up thinking this. The phrase says innocent until… but there is no “innocent” verdict. It’s either “guilty” or “not guilty.” Not guilty is not the same as innocent. Simply that you weren’t proven to be guilty, whether you are or not.

I already have a large distaste for our judicial system. We’re told we have rights… when in all actuality, we’re just unimportant and left alone. These rights don’t really exist until they’re violated or threatened to be. How does that make it a “right” if it can be violated and then have to prove that? If it were a right, that burden wouldn’t be on me.

Anyway… Continue reading

I Don’t Understand: Compliments

confusionThere are tons of things I don’t know, but most I could learn if I wanted to. I mean, there’s not enough time in my life to learn everything, but I could learn what I want. Usually. Am I making sense? The point I’m trying to make, is I’m going to start a series about stupid things my brain can’t make sense of, that it should, but it just doesn’t.

A new series you say? How can you start a “new” series if you haven’t even written in nine months? Well, because it’s my blog and I do what I want.

This particular entry is about compliments. I have zero ability to comprehend compliments. I become so confused when someone gives a compliment, that my brain just sort of momentarily shuts off and has to reboot. I even sometimes have a fraction-of-a-second blackout. Continue reading

The Crazy Things People Do For Parking

parkingI went to the grocery store today and as I was walking to my vehicle with Monktopus (my one year old daughter) and my bags, a vehicle behind me slows down when I open my trunk. They then begin to wait for my parking spot. Now, this does not bother me, whatsoever. You are welcome to my space when I’m done. But even before I had a child, I had the common sense to know that people with babies take a while to leave, and I am not an exception. I am not going to haphazardly fling my purchased items into my car, chuck my kid in, and haul ass for you. I will place items so they will not get broken or roll around, and I will make sure my child is securely and correctly situated in her complicated pain-in-the-ass car seat. And after a minute or two, if you floor the gas and speed off in a huff, I’m not going to care, because if you had just gone into the spot 5 spaces further, you would have long since been in the store already.  Continue reading

What Happened To Accountability?

blame accountability responsibilitySince when do we hold dogs more accountable for their actions than a human being? Since when is it acceptable to justify a criminal’s actions by putting blame on a victim? Why does society feel sorry for people that are held responsible for their actions? It makes me sick!

Everyone plants their feet so firmly in not-my-fault ground that people start believing them. And yes, there are always going to be reasons… and those reasons aren’t always a responsibility cop-out. People want to know why, and people often want to share why… but it seems everyone has just started confusing the reasons they choose to do something with actually being forced to do something.  Continue reading

Parents Blaming Video Games

video-game-controllerI actually get infuriated over parents blaming their failures on video games. There is NO logic in this whatsoever. Even if you could prove (which you can’t) that video games cause people to become psychopaths, YOU THE PARENT are still to blame for letting your child play it. You probably even bought it AND the console for them. How are you not any bit responsible?

One situation that has stuck with me and pisses me off to no end happened a few years ago. Some little girl was playing a NintendoDS game about playing with dogs, and *shocker* the game has barking sounds. The kid was playing it at a family friend’s house and when the game started barking, the family’s dog (a Bullmastiff) got excited/upset and attacked the girl and ripped off her lip. The dog was KILLED (put down to make it sound nicer) and NINTENDO was blamed. WHAT?! Continue reading