Tagged: compliment

I Don’t Understand: Compliments

confusionThere are tons of things I don’t know, but most I could learn if I wanted to. I mean, there’s not enough time in my life to learn everything, but I could learn what I want. Usually. Am I making sense? The point I’m trying to make, is I’m going to start a series about stupid things my brain can’t make sense of, that it should, but it just doesn’t.

A new series you say? How can you start a “new” series if you haven’t even written in nine months? Well, because it’s my blog and I do what I want.

This particular entry is about compliments. I have zero ability to comprehend compliments. I become so confused when someone gives a compliment, that my brain just sort of momentarily shuts off and has to reboot. I even sometimes have a fraction-of-a-second blackout. Continue reading