Tagged: lazy

The Crazy Things People Do For Parking

parkingI went to the grocery store today and as I was walking to my vehicle with Monktopus (my one year old daughter) and my bags, a vehicle behind me slows down when I open my trunk. They then begin to wait for my parking spot. Now, this does not bother me, whatsoever. You are welcome to my space when I’m done. But even before I had a child, I had the common sense to know that people with babies take a while to leave, and I am not an exception. I am not going to haphazardly fling my purchased items into my car, chuck my kid in, and haul ass for you. I will place items so they will not get broken or roll around, and I will make sure my child is securely and correctly situated in her complicated pain-in-the-ass car seat. And after a minute or two, if you floor the gas and speed off in a huff, I’m not going to care, because if you had just gone into the spot 5 spaces further, you would have long since been in the store already.  Continue reading